Sunday, October 23, 2016

The first quarter is over??!!


Clay sea turtles:

1st Grade

Clay animal- based on the totem animal they chose

2nd Grade

Klee Kindness Village

3rd Grade

Line Designs

4th Grade

Grid Drawings

5th Grade

Britto Chairs- In progress

7th Grade

Slab boxes with handmade stamps

High School


Monday, October 3, 2016

Welcome Back!

JK and Kindergarten

Sea turtles

1st grade

North American Art
I am a zebra because I like stripes.

I am a lion because I am strong.

I am a bull because I am strong.

 Am a tiger because I am fast, strong, smart, creative, and I am a leader.

I am an owl because I like the stars.

I am a tiger because I am brave.

2nd grade

Paul Klee Kindness Village

3rd grade

Line Designs

4th grade

Grid Drawing Animals

5th grade

Britto office chairs
Romero Britto website
Chair design ideas:

7th grade


High School

Self-Portraits and Drawing