
Jason and I have 3 wonderful and rowdy boys... William, Nathan, and Urijah. I have been the K-12 art teacher (the only one in the county) in the small town of Lusk since 1999 and received National Board Certification in 2014 and maintained certification in 2023.  I am the High School Art Club and Yearbook sponsor.

Follow the Niobrara County School District Art Program on Instagram @k12niobrarart307 and on Facebook- K12NiobrarArt307  YouTube

Favorite Quote:
   "To Give anything Less Than Your Best is to Sacrifice the Gift."  
Steve Prefontaine

Professional mission statement: 
To provide art experiences that give students opportunities in stimulating critical thinking and creative self-expression.

Personal mission statement:  
Never give less than my best, spread happiness, leave it better than I found it, encourage others to do the same.

My Family

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