
Kindergarten- EXPLORING ART:
How can we correctly and safely use art tools to create meaningful art?

1st  Grade- WORLD ART:
How does the History, Culture, and Customs of people around the world influence the arts?

How can we make connections with the arts to other disciplines, careers and everyday life?

3rd  Grade- ART ELEMENTS:
What are the  7 "ingredients" that make up a work of art? 

4th  Grade- ART TYPES:
What inspires people to make different types of art?

5th  Grade- ART MOVEMENTS:
How does knowing the contexts of histories and traditions of art forms help us create works of art?

6th-8th  Grade- ART FORMS:
How does an artist choose which materials and techniques might best communicate an idea?

9th - 12th Grade-ART THEMES: 
What inspires people to make art?   
Quarter #1- Foundations/ Drawing
Quarter #2- Painting/ Mixed Media
Quarter #3- 3D/ Ceramics/ Sculpture
Quarter #4- Printmaking

HS Year 1: Creative Art- Comprehensive #05154
Creative Art- Comprehensive courses provide students with the knowledge and opportunity to explore an art form and to create individual works of art.  These courses may also provide a discussion and exploration of career opportunities in the art world.  Initial courses cover the language, materials, and processes of a particular art form and the design elements and principles supporting a work of art.  As students advance and become more adept, the instruction regarding the creative process becomes more refined, and students are encouraged to develop their own artistic styles.  Although Creative Art courses focus on creation, they may also include the study of major artists, art movements and styles.

HS Year 2: Integrated Fine Arts #05201
Integrated Fine Arts explores self-expression across the fine arts: any subset or all of the visual arts, music, drama, theater, and literature may be included in the curriculum for this course.  Students both study and critique the works of others  and participate in or produce art themselves.  This course often includes comparative study of various art forms over time (i.e., the interrelationship of literature, music, and the performing/visual arts of a particular time period and culture).

HS Year 3: Visual Art- Independent Study #05197
Visual Art- Independent Study courses, often conducted with instructors or professional artists as mentors, enable students to explore a particular art form or topic.  Independent Study courses may serve as an opportunity for students to expand their expertise in a particular form or style, to explore a topic in greater detail, or to develop more advanced skills.

HS Year 4: Art Portfolio #05170 
Art portfolio courses offer students the opportunity to create a professional body of work that reflects their personal style and talent.  Students are often encouraged to display their work publicly.

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