Sunday, September 16, 2018

Summer is over already?! New projects to start out the year:

JK and Kindergarten:

Marker dots- inspired by the book "The Dot"

1st Grade:

Art of North America- History of Quilts and the stories they can tell

“Anyone can fly.  All you need is somewhere to go that you can’t get to any other way.  
The next thing you know, you’re flying among the stars.”
--Faith Ringgold.

2nd Grade:

About me- Color and Contrast

3rd Grade:

Recorder Bags-  The Artistic Process

Find your inspiration--Research --Brainstorm and practice --Create--Reflect and Revise--Present

4th Grade:

Paper Stained Glass- Radial Symmetry

5th Grade:

Romero Britto- Collaborative Pop Art Signs

6th Grade:

1 point perspective

Middle School Elective:

Clay Boxes

High School:

Drawing exercises- Skills practice

Portfolios and Sketchbooks to start out the year.


Middle School

High School